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63pages, 3,757 results in yourMediumsearch for"watercolour (paint)"Advanced Search
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View of the village of Aartswoud, c. 1752. Creator: Anon.
View of the collapsed tower in Egmond aan Zee, c. 1752. Creator: Anon.
View of the village of Etten in North Brabant, 1700-1850. Creator: Anon.
View of the village 's-Graveland, c. 1757. Creator: Anon.
View of Hauwert, 1700-1800. Creator: Anon.
View of the village of Heemskerk, c. 1752. Creator: Anon.
View of the village of Hoogwoud, c. 1752. Creator: Anon.
View of the village of Houses, c. 1757. Creator: Anon.
View of the ruins of Huis ter Kleef near Haarlem, c. 1752. Creator: Anon.
View of Oud-Loosdrecht, in or after 1757-1800. Creator: Anon.
View of Meliskerke in Zeeland, in or after 1754-c. 1800. Creator: Anon.
View of Noordwelle in Zeeland, in or after 1754-c. 1800. Creator: Anon.
View of the church at Sint Pancras, 1700-1800. Creator: Anon.
View of Puiflijk at Druten, in or after 1750-c. 1800. Creator: Anon.
View of the church in the village of Pijnacker, 1700-1850. Creator: Anon.
View of the ruins of Kasteel Ravesteyn or Slot Heenvliet, c. 1750-c. 1800. Creator: Anon.
View of the ruins of Slot Zandenburg in Veere, in or after 1754-c. 1800. Creator: Anon.
View of Serooskerke in Zeeland, in or after 1754-c. 1800. Creator: Anon.
View of Castle De Wildt at Gendringen, in or after 1745-c. 1800. Creator: Anon.
View of Oostkapelle with Huis Rijnsburg in Zeeland, c. 1750-c. 1800. Creator: Anon.
View of Boer, at Franeker, 1700-1800. Creator: Anon.
View in Lunenburg, 1700-1800. Creator: Anon.
View of the Rhine near the village of Oudshoorn, 1700-1850. Creator: Anon.
View of the house in Rodesteyn, 1700-1800. Creator: Anon.
View of Tjum (?), 1700-1800. Creator: Anon.
View of Wijchen, 1700-1800. Creator: Anon.
View of the chapel at Castle De Haar in Haarzuilens, c. 1700-c. 1799. Creator: Anon.
View of a country estate with four golfers, 1706-1800. Creator: Anon.
A soldier hands a shepherd a bag of money, 1700-1800. Creator: Anon.
Loire landscape with the castles Saumur and Montsoreau, 1600-1650. Creator: Anon.
View of Blois, 1600-1650. Creator: Anon.
View of the Hudson River, 1700-1800. Creator: Anon.
Young woman in traditional costumes, 1825-1874. Creator: Anon.
A man who had beaten his wife is punished by a group of women in the Vinkestraat in Amsterdam, 1768. Creator: Anthonie Drost.
Push carriage, 1756-1813. Creator: Anthony Andriessen.
Three designs for organ decoration: Singing, King David and Music, 1741-1801. Creator: Anthony Ziesenis.
Sheep herd on the heathland near Laren, 1848-1888. Creator: Anton Mauve.
Woman at a clothesline, 1848-1888. Creator: Anton Mauve.
Farmer's cart on a country road, 1848-1888. Creator: Anton Mauve.
Interior, Larens, 1848-1888. Creator: Anton Mauve.
Edge of a forest on the water, 1848-1888. Creator: Anton Mauve.
Steer lying down, 1848-1888. Creator: Anton Mauve.
Study of butterfly flower, 1869-1925. Creator: Antoon Derkinderen.
Studies of passion flowers, 1869-1925. Creator: Antoon Derkinderen.
View from the dunes of the ruin of Brederode, 1813-1863. Creator: Arnoldus Johannes Eymer.
Sloop transports officers to a ship, 1829-1879. Creator: Ary Pleijsier.
Sick man in bed with a woman and two children next to him, 1805-1858. Creator: Ary Scheffer.
High trees along which a stream runs, 1838-1879. Creator: Augustin Taurel.
Design for an Easter altar scene, 1645-1649. Creator: Baldassare Franceschini.
The Spui in The Hague, (from the south?), 1800-1880. Creator: Bartholomeus Johannes van Hove.
Dancer Annette Köbler performing the Pas-de-Shawl, 1812. Creator: Bartholomeus Ziesenis.
Dancer Annette Köbler performing the Pas-de-Shawl, 1812. Creator: Bartholomeus Ziesenis.
Village street with low houses, 1796-1870. Creator: Bruno van Straaten.
View of a city under construction, 1822-1895. Creator: Carel Jacobus Behr.
Courtyard with a maid who cleans, 1775-1840. Creator: Carel Lodewijk Hansen.
View of Mainz from the river, 1894. Creator: Carel Nicolaas Storm.
Venus with Amor and putti, 1710-1777. Creators: Charles-Joseph Natoire, Unknown.
Congratulation on the silver wedding of Otto Rudolph Vom Rath and Anna Maria Louise Bunge, 1885. Creator: Charles Rochussen.
Lady sitting on a bench under a tree, with a book in hand, 1824-1894. Creator: Charles Rochussen.
I must bring you heavy tidings (diary, October 5), 1805-1808. Creator: Christiaan Andriessen.